Does the NFL concussion protocol really protect players?

How the NFL concussion protocol should work Back in 2009, the NFL implemented the concussion protocol in response to concern over concussion statistics. They’ve also continued tweak the protocol in the decade since, to better protect players from harm. In 2016, for example, they added additional disciplinary measures for teams that don’t follow protocol. Head […]
How to Prevent Football Injuries / Do Helmets Really Prevent Football Injuries?

In theory, helmets are the perfect solution to the growing head injury problem in football. After all, they’re perfectly designed to prevent you from football injuries without worrying about the risk of concussions. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case—and it’s pretty well-documented. Here’s the truth about wearing helmets in football. And why you should be […]
How we build confidence and skills through sports coaching progressions

Over the course of the past few years, we’ve seen some big changes in the world of sports coaching. Now more than ever, coaches and trainers for contact sports like football are aware of the safety challenges involved. This is especially true for student athletes, who are just learning the mental and physical skills they’ll […]
Are We Becoming Too Obsessed with Stats in Sports?

We’ve always had the urge to quantify sports performance. We like to think that simple numbers make it easier for us to understand the wildly complex games we’re seeing with our own eyes. We like to pretend that our favorite sports games are a little less chaotic and random than they actually are. And we […]
What Is Muscle Memory, and Why Is It So Important?

“You never forget how to ride a bike.” It’s a popular saying you’ve probably heard before. And if you’ve ever hopped back onto the saddle after many years, you might even be able to attest that it’s true—even if you have to spend a moment or two getting familiar with the motions again. But what […]
Why fear of concussions shouldn’t keep your kids out of sports

When over 1,000 parents were polled about children’s athletics, 16% of them said that they refused to allow their kids to play sports due to worries over concussions. According to the study, a Harris Poll conducted on behalf of the American Osteopathic Association, a third of the remaining parents were on the fence, saying it […]
Former Ulster star Roger Wilson making big impact teaching young American footballers how to tackle

Article written by Rúaidhrí O’Connor –
Child’s Play – Creating a safe environment in football

Every weekend, there are various iterations of youth sport that take place on suburban grounds across the world. Humble patches of grass filled with tiny athletes coached by dedicated and skilled volunteers who aim to instil the love of the game to their young charges. Sport teaches; it can teach you good things and it […]
The concussion issue – don’t bury your head in the sand

My name is Roger Wilson, and for 15 years I made my living as a professional rugby player in Ireland and England. Like most athletes, I grew up with a love for my sport, and I reveled in the contact nature of rugby. Throughout my career, I never wore padding, relying only on my bare […]