Girls That Play American Football. Why Is Not That Common?

When girls think of a sport they’d like to join, a few things may come to mind. Soccer, martial arts, softball, tennis, basketball, and the like. But one sport notably off the list of many girls’ dream sports? Football. Sure, they might toss around a football with dad in the yard sometimes, but many girls […]

What Are The Chances Of My Child Becoming A Professional Athlete?

As youth sports become increasingly competitive, more and more parents believe that their child will go pro and actively work toward their child becoming a professional athlete. A 2015 study found that 26% of U.S. parents of high school athletes hoped that their child would become a professional athlete. In contrast, however, the data shows […]

Young Athletes And Social Life

All teens face a variety of stressors, demands and pressures that are a normal and important part of their development. These pressures are increased for athletes who, in addition to balancing social and academic demands, are also balancing a rigorous training and competition schedule; working to develop healthy habits; and trying to ensure that they […]