A Youth Football Guide: Navigating Your Child Through the Basics and the Benefits

As the new season approaches, many parents find themselves at the crossroads of decision-making when it comes to their children’s extracurricular activities. Youth football stands out as a time-honored tradition that not only fosters physical fitness but also instills discipline, teamwork and invaluable life skills. If you’re a parent thinking of enrolling your child in […]
The Ultimate Guide to Youth Football in North Dallas

The thing with ultimate guides to anything is that they give a ton of information. That is exactly what this Ultimate Guide to Youth Football in North Dallas will do. While this will look at Plano and specifically Plano youth football, this is a guide from which you can take information, even if you are […]
Specialized coaching for high school football players

We put a lot of focus on youth tackle football coaching here at Tackle Smart. We have written many articles on how to begin your kid’s football journey, ensure they are working at an age/talent-appropriate level, and what to do if your child gets a concussion. These are all necessary initial steps regarding your child […]
Is Tackle Football Dangerous for Kids?

Parents looking to put their kids into tackle football often question the dangerous nature of the sport. While any collision/contact sport will have some unavoidable element of risk by its very nature, is it fair that tackle football has been pushed into a position where tackle football coaches constantly have to defend the safety of […]
What Age Should My Child Start Tackle Football

The most significant debate surrounding tackle football in America rages around the age at which kids should be allowed to strap on the pads and play. It is a very understandable topic of discussion, given the popularity of football and the risks involved in playing the game. Those risks are factors at any age, but […]
How to Decide on the Right Football League for my Child?

Football continues to surge in popularity at the professional and college level. At the youth level, however, tackle football has seen a decrease in popularity as parents have become more and more worried about injuries to their children, especially concussion due to them not getting the right football coaching on their tackle technique. According to […]
At what age should my child start Tackle Football?

Football is America’s game and has been the sport of choice for so many youths, middle school and high school players for generations. There are tackle leagues around the country for kids as young as 5. As indicated by a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are around 250,000 youth football players from […]
Athleticism vs Skill

In my professional rugby career, there were almost always two schools of thought related to players. Those who believed that natural athleticism honed and channelled in the right way in training could be superseded by individual skills development in terms of time, effort and energy. Then there is the second, where athleticism and physical dominance […]
How Seriously Do You Take Tackling? – 5 Reasons Why We Should Practice Tackling More.

I ask coaches all the time, “How serious are you taking tackling?” A lot of the responses I get are not great… It’s vital that we practice tackling for several reasons, that we are going to get into in the post. A few of the big reasons though are so that we can be better […]
Can Courage Be Coached? 5 Useful Tips

Courage comes into play a lot when you are coaching or training for a sport. Is courage something that you can coached? Or is it simply something you’re either born with or not? Well for a short answer… Yes. Just like anything else, courage also can be coached. Courage is a very individual characteristic that […]